A little back story

In 2020, I got laid off from a job of 13 years that I had just been promoted to maintenace supervisor and my kids were of the age to grow their wings. I had lost my sense of purpose. I found purpose in drinking, high fat low quality food, and feed my poor me mentality. 

In October 2021, I had enough when I couldn't button up my fat pants. I started to work with a trainer to get a health plan together. I cleaned up my eating, and started working out. I wasn't consistent though, but I saw progress so "it was good enough". 

Problem, I couldn't say no.

I couldn't say no to alcohol. I couldn't say no to snacks. I couldn't say no to skiping going to the gym. I couldn't say no to multiple nights in a row of drinking until all thoughts were gone.

I still was lost and had no purpose.

I found 75 Hard program. I gave it a shot... but still could not stop caving. 

On my 41st birthday this year, I told myself no one is coming to save you, be your own hero.  You have to do better. You have to be more. 

I committed to the live hard program for this year. 

The more I progress through the program the more I talk about it. The program is hard, and not for everyone. 

So, I had an idea.

I decided to build a workbook that is not specific to anything besides a guide to help achieve a goal in 30 days.

Influences for this book has come from many different sources, including 75 Hard. I'll post a suggested reading page.

While deciding on what to call the workbook and the business name, I looked down at my wrist where I have a tatoo I got back in 2016. " BE MORE "

I have always had a voice in the back of my head that has said " Do Better, Be More."

My purspose is to share that drive and passion I have to be more, to help others find their purpose. 

Together we can all  Do Better and Be More!